“Favorite Deer Hunting Songs” Track List
1. In the Beginning
2. Mighty Manly Hunting Men
3. Can I go to Deer camp Too?
4. 2nd Week of Deer camp
5. Grandpa Restocks the Cabin
6. I Like to Drink Beer
7. Grandpa Brings Home the Beer
8. Give Grandpa Some More Beans
9. Something to Shoot
10. Now My Left Foot
11. Chicquito War
12. Deer Hunting is Great
13. I Believe in Miracles
14. A Word from the Deer
15. 2nd Week of Deer Camp Part II
16. Grandpa Goes After a Buck
17. Deer Stand Shuffle
18. Deer Hunting Poem
19. Grandpa Shoots a Goat
20. Do You Want to Deer Hunt?
21. Time to Go Home
22. Who Are You People?
23. Rusty Chevrolet
24. A Final Word from the Deer