Award Winning Comedy
Hello Comedy fans. Don’t be fooled by that cute picture on the front of this album. This is an adult’s only album. So if you are an adult lean back and consider the following excerpts from Award Winning Comedy to see if it is for you.
“Hi! This is Al for Al’s Dating Service. If you are looking for someone to take home to Ma, go on the Dating Game for gosh sakes. If you want someone to use for a few dates and throw out like yesterday’s trash, come to Al’s Dating Service. We have the men, women and circus freaks you have only dreamed about. Like a trip to the tattoo parlor followed by being whisked away to a cheap hotel. Come to Al’s, where love is a one night stand.”
The little tampon books says that if you are not sure where your vagina is you may wish to look in a mirror. “ I did but now I have this really embarrassing mark on my butt from the dashboard. Nobody really uses an IUD anymore because they figured out that it permanently screws up your microwave.”
If you like what you read give it a try and listen some more.
“Award Winning Comedy”
Jay Hickman
Al’s Dating Service
Wild Willy Parsons
James P. Connolly
Jerry Dye
Ron White
Mark Gross
Beth Donahue
Joey Gaynor
Monty Hoffman
Jeff Burghart
David Tyree
Jake Iannarino
Jack Mayberry